
 Mon, 03. Apr. 2017   Beck, Fabian

New Courses in Data Visualization

Starting this semester, two new courses in visualization complement the computer science curriculum in Essen.

The lecture “Information and Software Visualization” presents basic techniques for data visualization and illustrates them in software engineering applications. The course provides a broad overview on how data can be visually analyzed and communicated in a readable and effective way. We discuss and critically reflect recent research. In complementing tutorial sessions, students test the introduced techniques and develop prototypes of visualization systems. The course is part of the CS Master programs. The first session is scheduled for Monday, April 24, 2017, 12 pm (room SE 108). The seminar “Hierarchy and Network Visualization” covers a central subtopic of information visualization: the visual representation of relational data, that is, showing objects in relationship to each other. Participants will independently research foundational techniques for generating tree diagrams and graphs. They support each other to design a presentation and write a text introducing their individual topic – the work setting will be like in an editorial office. The course is part of the CS Bachelor programs. The first session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 12pm (room SE 008).